3 Arkansas Nat’l Guard High Water Teams called to state active duty 

PA-001-20 | Aug. 27, 2020

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Aug. 27, 2020 

Contact: Lt. Col. Brian L. Mason 

State Public Affairs Officer 

Arkansas National Guard 

501-212-5020 / 501-590-0318 


3 Arkansas Nat’l Guard High Water Teams called to state active duty 

~ Teams stationed at Hope & Texarkana to support Ark. State Police 

WHO: Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson 

WHAT: Has ordered three High Water Teams to state active duty to support Arkansas State Police Troops F, G and K with local emergency response operations in anticipation of flooding in southwest Arkansas. 

WHEN: Beginning at Noon, Thursday, Aug. 27 

WHERE: One team each is staged at the Texarkana armory, and two teams are at the Hope armory. 

WHY: Some flooding is anticipated to occur in southwest Arkansas due to rainfall from the remnants of Hurricane Laura. Thirty-six Soldiers – 12 at each armory – from the Arkansas National Guard’s 39th Infantry Brigade Combat Team will staff three Light Medium Tactical Vehicle (LMTV) and one High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV) at each armory. 

An LMTV is a 2.5-ton cargo truck that offers high ground clearance, allowing them to operate safely in up to four feet of water. Each LMTV can carry up to 15 people, which includes a 3-person operating crew. 

The Arkansas National Guard assumes support roles to augment civil authorities, where needed and directed by the Governor, to help in a crisis. 

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  • Arkansas National Guard Public Affairs Office
  • PO BOX 30, Camp Robinson, North Little Rock, AR 72199
  • Phone:501-212-5098
  • Fax: 501-212-5019
  • ng.ar.ararng.mbx.daily-guard@mail.mil