39th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (IBCT)

  • 39th Infantry Brigade Combat Team




     39th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (IBCT)

    The 39th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (IBCT) is the largest major command in the state and is headquartered on Camp Robinson. The 39th IBCT consists of 44% of the state’s Army National Guard strength and employs 11% of the state’s Army National Guard fulltime workforce. The 39th IBCT has units located in 37 communities in Arkansas and Nebraska and Missouri.

    The 39th is primarily an infantry brigade organized to provide wartime missions in maneuver, field artillery, reconnaissance, intelligence, engineering and medical operations as well as maintenance, signal support and transportation activities.

    The 39th is prepared to support state emergency operations by assisting with road clearing, search and rescue, security, flood response and other natural disaster assistance