1. College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and testing
College Credit Exams. Earn college credit away from campus and work toward your degree faster by earning credit for what you already know. College Level Examination Program® (CLEP®) offers a series of exams that test college-level knowledge gained through course work, independent study, cultural pursuits, travel, special interests, military service schools, and professional development. Accepted by over 2,900 colleges and universities, each exam is typically worth from three to 12 college credits, depending on the exam subject. Testing fees are waived for service members. DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST) is an extensive series of college subject exams comparable to final exams in undergraduate courses. Designed originally for the military, DSST offer Soldiers a way to demonstrate knowledge comparable to someone who has completed the classroom course in the subject. It provides colleges and universities a reliable means to measure students' knowledge and award credit in commonly taught college courses.
IMPORTANT: All CLEP and DSST are administered at the University of Central Arkansas (UCA). All Soldiers interested in CLEP and DSST testing information contact the UCA Office of Testing at (501) 450-3209. Tests are offered during office business hours, Monday through Friday, from 8:00am until 4:30pm for more specific information about CLEP and/or DSST testing at UCA the Soldier and/or their Spouse may visit the testing website at www.uca.edu/testing. The main POC for testing at UCA is Director of University Testing at (501) 450-3209 or testing@uca.edu.
Soldier's may also test at another National Testing Centers i.e. UALR; however, you will be required to pay the sitting fee which is non-refundable.
2. Cost types and reimbursable(s).
Military tests are free of charge to Soldiers. These test include AFAST, ACFT/ASVAB, and in some instances CLEP test.
Other tests are reimbursable for Soldiers. See DANTES test (below) for further reimbursable test fees.
ARNG Soldiers and their spouses are eligible to utilize the free testing opportunities sponsored by DANTES thus saving money and time while receiving college credit and/or promotion points. The AR ARNG tests are administered in accordance with the DANTES Examination Program Handbook (DEPH).. Many of these tests may need to be ordered; therefore, allow 30 days when requesting a test date. Consult the State Education Office about costs for specific tests as some may require an administrative fee not covered by ARNG funds. For further information, see:
Defense Activity for Non-traditional Education Support (DANTES).
4. Type of military test available (AFAST, ACFT/ASVAB, etc.) and requirements
APTs affect Soldier’s career choices by determining eligibility for specialized training, and to support the Army’s personnel selection and classification process including language proficiency testing. The current available APTs conducted at the Camp Robinson State Education Office are:
Armed Forces Classification Test (AFCT)
Alternate Flight Aptitude Selection Test (AFAST)
5. How to schedule a test & testing protocol
Due to space and manpower restraints, the AR ARNG State Education Office has limited capabilities for conducting examinations. Tests are currently conducted on most Wednesdays in Building #6401. Testers must be on the schedule - no walk-ins.
Call (501) 212-4011/4045 to schedule a test.
Tests begin at 0800 sharp and testers should arrive NLT 0745 for check-in.
6. Guidance Counseling
Individualized vocational, technical, college and career guidance counseling services are available to any member of the Armed Services, Federal and State Employees and family members.
Call our Guidance Counselors to set up an appointment at 501-212-4011.
Armed Forces Classification Test (AFCT) - Military personnel only
Alternate Flight Aptitude Selection Test (AFAST)-Military personnel only
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Test (ASVAB)-Military personnel only
Defense Activity For Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES)- test includes:
PRAXIS- (for ARNG Soldiers and their spouses)
Education Services Officer
(501) 212-4021
Education Assistant
(501) 212-4045
Federal Tuition Assistance
(501) 212-4041
GI Bill, Kickers and Testing
(501) 212-4011/4652
Bonuses and Student Loans
Education Office Fax
(501) 212-4196
Bonuses and Student Loans Fax
(501) 212-5449
Education Office
Bonuses\Student Loans